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- Royalty Free Musicambient, analogue, arpeggio, bright, brittle, computer, deep, intense, mysterious, oldies, rich, sci-fi, science, science fiction, synth, vintage, warmObserveRoyalty Free Vintage Sci-Fi MusicShane Ivers2022Rich analogue beeps and boops, thick textural bass, and crispy high end glitchiness. Warbly and wonderful! It's a reaaaaly long one. It's procedurally generated, so I setup up a bunch of parameters, and triggers and the notes play themselves semi-randomised. If I were to render it again it would be totally different, but also the same! Weird, huh? Try skipping through the track to experience some of the different textures and feels.I thought this one would be great for science videos where you just observe something. Like seeing the microscopic world, or the far reaches of the cosmos.120UKEZT2200006https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YWp97jqL5gAmbient, OldiesIntense, MysteriousBass, Synth