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- Royalty Free Music1980s, 808, background, beep, bland, bleep, boop, bouncy, drums, eighties, electronic, electronica, how-to, instructions, oldies, relaxed, repetitive, retro, sawtooth, synth, synthpop, VHSYour New CoolMasterRoyalty Free VHS MusicShane Ivers2021Pulsing, synthetic background music. More of the 80s Lo-Fi feeling. Loots of beeps, rich synths, and pingy drums. This one also loops seamlessly for your convenience.Continuing my obsession with background music from instructional video tapes that you used to get with new products back in the day. So if you're making one of those, this might be useful, I guess?120UKEZT2100033https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2th7YuLY5YEDM/Electronic, OldiesBouncy, RelaxedDrums, Synth