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- Royalty Free MusicAndalusian, Arabic, bright, castanets, classical guitar, dance, flamenco, intense, maracas, Mediterranean, Mexican, mysterious, nylon guitar, rich, Spanish, summer, sunshine, warm, worldAl AndalusRoyalty Free Spanish Flamenco MusicShane Ivers2019A classic flamenco track played on Spanish guitar. It's exhilarating, and fast with a wee hint of Eastern influence. Puts you in mind of sun-drenched landscapes, and dancers! Completed with castanets and maracas.Might work well in a Western film perhaps? Other than that, travel vlogs, galleries, and background music for when you're eating tapas!136UKEZT1900013https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S31cyUPUZv8WorldBright, Intense, MysteriousAcoustic Guitar, Bass, Percussion