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- Royalty Free Music1980s, background, beep, bland, calming, cheesy, drum machine, eighties, electronica, hold music, old, oldies, pad, relaxed, repetitive, retro, synth, synthesizer, tech, vintageVHS DreamsRoyalty Free 80s Background MusicShane Ivers2019Pure 80s synthetic background cheese. Bland and homogenous; the nacho cheese of cheesiness! All made from analogue synth parts, and a classic drum machine. Named as it kinda sounds like the crappy music you'd get on the background of a product demo on VHS. Presented as a seamless loop for your convenience.Would be great for tech video reviews of a product from the 80s. Or torturing people waiting on hold.86UKEZT1900010https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ruYws4bjNQEDM/Electronic, OldiesCalming, RelaxedDrums, Synth