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- Royalty Free Musicamusing, beat, beeps, boisterous, bright, cheerful, chirping, comedy, crazy, electronic, electronica, frantic, funny, happy, humorous, mad, obnoxious, Other, over the top, positive, surreal, synth, weirdEncyclopedia AbsurdicaRoyalty Free Crazy MusicShane Ivers2017Utterly crazy, and frenetic madness! Semi-random bleeps and chirps, and pumping drums come together to make an amusing, and slightly surreal piece. All the while it seems to maintain this relentless cheerfulness and energy. There's a really nice sounding analogue synth too. =)Comedic intros and outros, might also work in a fast-paced game.120UKEZT1700010https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lVkzIesvY4EDM/Electronic, OtherBright, FunnyDrums, Synth