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- Royalty Free Musicbass, bass guitar, break beat, clear, cool, dark, deep, funk, funky, groove, groovy, guitar, laid-back, mellow, oldies, organ, Other, relaxed, sexy, slap, smooth, spaceyDark 'n' StormyRoyalty Free Deep Funk MusicShane Ivers2020Let's get it on! Deep dark funky groovy goodness. Fresh, tight drums, and smooth, mellow bass carry the track, plus we have a soulful organ, and a funky rhythm guitar keeping the song nicely tied together.I think maybe a cool 70s cop drama would greatly benefit from a bit of this. Would also be perfect for certain scenes in films...76UKEZT2000012https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGANxElzAPoOldies, OtherCool, Dark, RelaxedBass, Electric Guitar, Organ