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- Royalty Free Music1990s, ambient, anthem, bass drop, beautiful, club, dance, driving, drop, ecstasy, electronica, epic, euphoric, hard, intense, leadline, massive, melodic, mercury, reverb, synth, trance, upliftingMercuryRoyalty Free Trance MusicShane Ivers2016A massive trance anthem. For that genuine late-90s-golden-era-of-club-music-feel you can't go wrong with this. Epic euphoric dance music, with hard hitting beats, soaring leadlines, and plenty of reverb-laden beeps and boops.Hitting the floor, raving with glowsticks, and passing out.135UKEZT1600054https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGjbc1d6kJ4EDM/ElectronicEpic, IntenseBass, Drums, Synth