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- Royalty Free Musicadventure, beeps, choir, cinematic, dark, discovery, driving, drums, epic, exploration, film, flutes, galactic, galaxy, huge, intense, massive, mission, mysterious, NASA, Neptune, open, orchestral, solar system, soundtrack, space, spacey, Star Wars, stars, strings, synth, tense, The Planets, trailers, trombones, universeProxima CentauriRoyalty Free Space Exploration MusicShane Ivers2020It's time to travel the the furthest reaches of the galaxy, to a world of cold vacuums, and towering nebulas. A classic cinematic space exploration track. Brittle stings, and otherwordly flutes paint a picture of deep space, adventure, danger, and exploration! Add in some gnarly space beeps, a choir, and some big drums, and you're pretty much there floating around in the void. Clearly inspired by the likes of Holst, and great space films like 2001 A Space Oddysey, and Star Wars.Clearly it's for games and films set in space. But would also be good for movie analyses, epic adverts, and trailers!70UKEZT2000011https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANOUdYKOaHQOrchestral, SoundtrackDark, Driving, Epic, Intense, MysteriousBrass, Choir, Drums, Strings, Synth, Woodwind