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- Royalty Free Musicaggressive, beat, boisterous, dance, driving, drum and bass, drums, electronic, electronica, energetic, hardcore, intense, massive, strings, synth, syntheticCheese GreaterRoyalty Free Electro Drum 'n' Bass MusicShane Ivers2021Large and in charge. Big crashy drums, and a screeching leadline meet in slightly-slower-than-usual-electro-dance heaven (also string section ayooooooo). Big, boomy, warbling, hardcore; these words may well describe the track. Who knows?Action shots for fast moving sports - probably some fast thing going between "gates" or something...144UKEZT2100020https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-FHl0HktiYEDM/ElectronicAggressive, Driving, IntenseBass, Drums, Strings