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- Royalty Free Music101 strings, 1950s, 1960s, advert, advertisement, bright, cheerful, commercial, fifties, glockenspiel, harp, housewife, housework, newsreel, oldies, orchestral, public service announcement, relaxed, retro, shuffle, sixties, soundtrack, strings, vintage, whimsical, YouTubeFeather DusterRoyalty Free 50s MusicShane Ivers2017That classic, orchestral, slightly-camp music that accompanies newsreels and films back in the early to mid 20th Century. Light fluffy pizzicato strings delicately bobbing around but not really saying much, plus harp glissando, a jazzy shuffle beat, and bright chirpy glockenspiel come together to make this immediately evocative piece. It's also mixed to sound like it's an authentic recording from the time.Perfect background music for all sorts really. Also if you're looking to make a pastiche of a fifties black & white (probably sexist) public service announcement, this would be perfect!142UKEZT1700007https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqrv2TmfqkEOldies, Orchestral, SoundtrackBright, RelaxedDrums, Glockenspiel, Harp, Strings