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- Royalty Free Music8 bit, beep, bleep, boop, bouncy, bright, C64, cheerful, chiptune, Commodore 64, game, happy, march, momentum, old school, platformer, polka, SID chip, silly, uplifting, video game, vintageVery SuperbeepRoyalty Free Happy Chiptune MusicShane Ivers2019A very chirpy, cheerful chiptune track! Happy, bouncy goodness made from the sound of the infamous SID chip as found in the Commodore 64. Clear, bright, and catchy goodness that loops seamlessly for your convenience. The Pro License includes versions at 100 BPM, 110 BPM, 130 BPM, and 140 BPM for moulding the absurdity to your every whim!Games would be the obvious theme here. Whether that's in a game, or a review or documentary perhaps.120UKEZT1900015https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYQGgb6cXr8&t=20sChiptuneBouncy, Bright, UpliftingSynth