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- Royalty Free Musicalien, analogue, breathing, dark, deep, drums, electronic, electronica, foreboding, industrial, intense, machine, mechanical, mysterious, organic, otherworldly, sci-fi, science fiction, soundtrack, steam, suspenseful, synth, syntheticXenon SentryRoyalty Free Dark Sci-Fi MusicShane Ivers2020A dark, synthetic, sci-fi track. Big and cinematic. Full of rich, deep gutteral synths, and big reverabrant arpeggios. I wrote it thinking of a half-living giant mechanical contrivance - maybe like a ship's computer gone rogue! It's all around you, and probably incredibly pissed off!Would be great for science fiction themes obviously, so games, films, and podcasts in the area.100UKEZT2000003https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjeJ00LVlnE&t=26sSoundtrackDark, Intense, Mysterious, SuspensefulDrums, Synth