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- Royalty Free Music1990s, acid, acid house, analog, arpeggio, atmospheric, bounce, bouncy, cool, driving, dynamic, ecstasy, EDM, electronic, electronica, energizing, energy, nightclub, old school, party, psy, psy trance, psychedelic, pump, rave, relaxed, repetitive, rhythmic, space, trance, upbeatAcid TranceRoyalty Free Club MusicShane Ivers2016A delicate blend of acid house, and trance for your delectation. Pulsating synthetic basslines, sparse drums, and ambient textures come together to produce that classic 90s sound. It's even got some repetitive lyrics, and puts you in mind of those videos of ecstasy-addled ravers which are so amusing.Would work with sports video, high-tech gubbins, technology presentations, games teasers, YoutTube channel openings or just background music.115UKEZT1600082https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCtD0SM_hPUEDM/ElectronicCool, RelaxedBass, Drums, Synth, Vocals