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- Royalty Free Music16 bit, adventure, brass, bright, cheerful, chiptune, cool, determined, drums, focused, funky, games, gaming, happy, jolly, looping, platformer, Sega Genesis. 90s, Sega Megadrive, side-scroller, SonicChrome ZoneRoyalty Free 16 Bit Console MusicShane Ivers2021Proper 90s side-scrollin' adventure! Chirpy chiptune fun with a determined, yet energetic funky sound. Based on the famous Genesis/Megadrive sound of the early nineties. This one is a seamless loop for easy use in your projects.Clearly made with games, and gaming themes in mind. But would be great for evoking that classic 16bit era of gaming.120UKEZT2100007https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Qr9PNY_gFcChiptuneBright, CoolBass, Drums, Synth