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- Royalty Free Music1930s, 1940, alto sax, big band, brass, cooking, cool, dance, double bass, drums, gangsters, groove, in the pocket, intense, jazz, lindy hop, massive, oldies, piano, prewar, rhythmic, saxophone, sleazy, swing, tenor sax, traps, trombone, trumpet, vibraphoneSwing Has SwungRoyalty Free Big Band MusicShane Ivers2016It's time for big band swing! For the classic 1930s and 40s huge jazz sound. Brass, saxophones, drums, vibes it's got it all. somehow both cool and intense, with huge brass chords, and a bluesy, jazzy feel.Great to just click your fingers or dance to. Also fits well with early 20th century themes. Would suit the era of gangsters, flappers, speakeasy, the American prohibition, and the age of art deco skyscrapers in Manhattan, New York.195UKEZT1600084https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNj1WRRg_eQJazz, OldiesCool, IntenseBrass, Drums, Piano, Saxophone