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- Royalty Free Music1980s, 8 bit, chiptune, classic, cool, driving, game, gaming, pinball, retro, rock, steady, video gamePlay The GameRoyalty Free Pinball Chiptune MusicShane Ivers2017A cool, driving pinball-inspired 8-bit track. A solid backbeat, crunchy guitar, a pulsating bassline, and electronic elements. Puts you in mind of driving along a massive grid of bright neon lines, in some crazy vector field of craziness. This track loops perfectly! But, there's a version with an ending included with the Pro License.Gaming, steady action, night driving, cool, 80s themes, all kindsa stuff!117UKEZT1700012https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bIsbD6be7gChiptuneCool, DrivingDrums, Synth