Hummingbird © 2023 by Shane Ivers is licensed under CC BY 4.0
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Pro License | Yes |
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Royalty Free Ambient Music
A huge soundscape of synth! With its reverb-drenched, powerful sound, this track is perfect for cinematic projects that need a touch of baroque elegance. It's also full of quirky, warbly goodness. The fat analogue tones add depth and richness to the overall sound, creating a truly immersive experience. And just when you think this track can't get any better, a little piano motif comes in halfway through, providing a perfect brittle, soaring lift to the mood. The Pro License comes with an additional version which I have slowed down to 50%. It's even fatter, and sounds absolutely beastly! Obviously it compliments the main version perfectly and gives you a lot more material to work with.
Perfect For:
For an introspective movie dealing with self-discovery, and coming to terms with finding out everything you ever knew was but a lie...
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Buy Pro LicenseOops, no results.Can't find what you're looking for?- Royalty Free Musicambient, background, calming, chilled, chillout, deep, electro, electronic, electronica, floaty, glitch, light, minimalist, relaxed, slow, thoughtfulDiaphanousRoyalty Free Electro Chill MusicShane Ivers2016What can only be described as electro-minimalist-chill. Floaty, ethereal, beeps, and swells for deep relaxation. Add a glitchy beat and you've got this!I imagine this sounding really nice on a relaxed puzzle platformer type game.50UKEZT1600094, EDM/ElectronicCalming, RelaxedDrums, Synth
Buy Pro LicenseOops, no results.Can't find what you're looking for?- Royalty Free Musicambient, calming, dreamy, electronica, meditation, nature, new age, pad, relaxed, reverb, sea, slow, slow motion, slowmo, sweep, synthesizerQuiescent In TimeRoyalty Free Slow Motion MusicShane Ivers2016A slow moving, dreamy ambient soundscape. Rich, swirly, deep, swelling, calming niceness. A few little bleeps and bloops as the song progresses.I wrote this with slow motion footage in mind.70UKEZT1600052, EDM/ElectronicCalming, RelaxedSynth
Buy Pro LicenseOops, no results.Can't find what you're looking for?- Royalty Free Music1990s, ambient, anthem, bass drop, beautiful, club, dance, driving, drop, ecstasy, electronica, epic, euphoric, hard, intense, leadline, massive, melodic, mercury, reverb, synth, trance, upliftingMercuryRoyalty Free Trance MusicShane Ivers2016A massive trance anthem. For that genuine late-90s-golden-era-of-club-music-feel you can't go wrong with this. Epic euphoric dance music, with hard hitting beats, soaring leadlines, and plenty of reverb-laden beeps and boops.Hitting the floor, raving with glowsticks, and passing out.135UKEZT1600054, IntenseBass, Drums, Synth
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