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- Royalty Free Music1990s, 808, aggressive, beat, big, cheesy, chiptune, choir, club, dance, driving, electro, electronic, electronica, epic, euphoric, euro, intense, jumping, nineties, over the top, piano, robot, robotic, synthesizer, synthetic, trance, trash, trashy, upliftingRobotertanzRoyalty Free Trashy Dance MusicShane Ivers2018From the Silverman Sound Studios vaults, and remixed for 2018, here's a special track to celebrate my 100th piece of royalty free music. Cheesy, late ninties, trashy dance music. Nice fat beats, with that distinctive over-the-top synthetic hook. Pure Eurotrash from start to finish, gotta love it!Dancing maniacally in your underpants at 3am.140UKEZT1800005, Driving, Epic, IntenseBass, Choir, Drums, Piano, Synth
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