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- Royalty Free Music1980s, bass, break beat, cool, driving, drums, electronica, epic, hip-hop, orchestra hit, robotic, synth, trashy, vocoderSet It UpRoyalty Free Cool Synth MusicShane Ivers2020Big electronic super cool fun! Late 80s/early 90s vibe with a sampled breakbeat, and a fat synthetic riff. Featuring the classic "orchestral hit" that was so prevalent at the time for a proper bombastic experience! It also has classic vocoder vocals saying total nonsense - as is tradition.Great for "doing the robot". Evoking feelings of adverts from this classic era - they were just so good. I'm not biased...116UKEZT2000002, Hip-HopCool, DrivingBass, Drums, Synth, Vocals
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