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- Royalty Free Music1970s, 80, advert, analytical, bass, beeps, bright, deep, delicate, demonstration, documentary, drums, electronica, explainer, important, independent, innovation, invention, kickstarter, minimalist, modern, mysterious, nice, oldies, product, relaxed, science, serious, synth, technical, technology, warm, welcomingThe Wonders Of ScienceRoyalty Free Positive Synth MusicShane Ivers2023Imagine waves of science gently lapping at your feet. Synthesisers are the sound of science, and this song has plenty. Calming science beeps and boops, plus wishy washy dreamlike synth pads. A quirky drum beat gives a sense of exploration and innovation. This track's whimsical yet innovative drumbeat creates an exciting atmosphere that will surely spark curiosity and exploration. The synthesisers in this piece add a unique layer of depth and texture, creating an immersive listening experience that will transport you to the shores of scientific discovery.If you’ve got an amazing idea to share with the world, it needs some amazing music to go with it. Obviously, it's intended to compliment science-related content, including educational videos, podcasts, documentaries, and more.122UKEZT2300003https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgY6R3t-bWwEDM/Electronic, OldiesBright, Mysterious, RelaxedDrums, Synth1The Wonders Of Science07/03/20235:15
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